Artist Directory - 2024
ABING, Bryan - Woodwalk Gallery
ABRAMS, Debra - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
ADAMS, Luke - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
AGNESS, Rich - Plum Bottom Galleries
ALLEN, Scott - Plum Bottom Galleries
ALLISON, Destiny - Plum Bottom Galleries
ALTOBELL, Judith Meyers - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
ANDERSON, Ellen - Woodwalk Gallery
ANDERSON, Marc - Edgewood Orchard Gallery, Marc Anderson Gallery
ANDERSON, Robert - Robert Ray Gallery
ANDERSON, Tracy - Woodwalk Gallery
ANGELICA, Marion - Idea Gallery
ANTHONY, Paul - Blue Dolphin House
APPLEBAUM, Leon - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
ARCHER, Curtis - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
ARCHIBALD, Ryan - Idea Gallery
ARMSTRONG, Mary Jane Allen - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
ARNESON, Wendell - Idea Gallery
ARNOLD, Alexis - LadyBug Glass Studio & Gallery
ARZBERGER, Denise - TR Pottery
AURELIUS, Jeanne - Clay Bay Pottery - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
BAILEY, Heather - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
BAIR, Miles - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
BALKAN, Anna - Fine Line Designs Gallery
BARBI, Dani - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
BASCO, Carl - Blue Dolphin House
BASS, Mariel - Fine Line Designs Gallery
BATHE, Beth - Fine Line Designs Gallery
BAUGNIET, Christopher - Robert Ray Gallery
BAYER, Willow - Woodwalk Gallery
Bear Paw Paperworks - Artzy Studio
BECHT, Cheryl - Blue Dolphin House
BECHTOLD, Rodger - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
BECK, Bob - Robert Ray Gallery
BECKER, Roger - Plum Bottom Galleries
BELFORD, Amy - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
BELFORD, Scott - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
BELLING, David - Woodwalk Gallery
BENFORD, Jocelyn - Idea Gallery
BENNER, Mikaela - The Pearl of Door County
BENNER, Sue - Fine Line Designs Gallery
BENNETT, Nathan - Fine Line Designs Gallery
BENSON-FITTSCHUR, Prisca - Margaret Lockwood Gallery - Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
BERGERSON, Judith - Clay Bay Pottery
BERINGER, Lori - Fine Line Designs Gallery
BERNER, Sally - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
BESSEN, Tony - Angela Lensch Gallery
BEUTEL, Ernest - The Pearl of Door County
BEUTEL, Samantha - The Pearl of Door County
BINS, Coleen - Chief Oshkosh Native American Gallery
BIRSCHBACH, Jill - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
BLACK, Pat - Plum Bottom Galleries
Blanket Creek Pottery - Off the Wheel Pottery
BLICHMANN, Mary - Blue Heron Glass Etching
BLIETZ, Craig - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
BLODGETT, Buzz - Blue Dolphin House
Bluegill Pottery - Off the Wheel Pottery
BOARD, Cynthia - Off the Wheel Pottery
BOBROWITZ, Paul - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
BODMER, Rebecca - Margaret Lockwood Gallery
BOHROD, Aaron - Robert Ray Gallery
BOLLOW, John - Off the Wheel Pottery
BORGHESI, Susan - Off the Wheel Pottery
BORRERO, John - Woodwalk Gallery
BOSMAN, Bruce - Plum Bottom Galleries
BOUTIN, Jeff - Idea Gallery
BOX, Kevin - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
BOYD, Taylor - BellaLuna Apothecary & Boutique
BRACKEN, Greg - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
BRADFORD, Susan - Turtle Ridge Gallery
BRADSHAW, Dean - Fine Line Designs Gallery
BRATHOL-HOSTVET, Kay - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
BRAZE, Les - Woodwalk Gallery
BRESNAHAN, Dan - Margaret Lockwood Gallery
BRIDENHAGEN-HOWARD, Nicole - The Pearl of Door County
BRIGGS, Nancy - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
BRITTON, Becky - Woodwalk Gallery
BRONIKOWSKI, Ken - Robert Ray Gallery
BRONK, Pam - Woodwalk Gallery
BRONK, Richard - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
BROOKS, Kerry - Off the Wheel Pottery
BROSKI, Cathy - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
BROWN, Caryn - Plum Bottom Galleries
BROWN, Donna - Fine Line Designs Gallery
BUCQUET, George - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
BUDISH, Jim - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
BUDNICK, Christine Beulah - Plum Bottom Galleries
BUDYSZ, Bonnita - Robert Ray Gallery
BUECHNER, Janine - Blue Moon Framery
BUECHNER, Matthew - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
BURDETTE, Jeremy - Plum Bottom Galleries
BURKE, Ellie - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
BURR, George - George Burr Gallery
BUTLER, Bryan - Angela Lensch Gallery
BUTLER, Liz - The Pearl of Door County, Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
BYRON, Carol - Woodwalk Gallery
CAHILL, John - Woodwalk Gallery
CAIN, Ned - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
CAMERON, Clarence P. - Artzy Studio
CAMPION, Diane - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
CAPLAN, Laura & Mike - Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
CAPPAERT, Ginnie - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery, Edgewood Orchard Gallery
CARICOF, Kathleen - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
CARLSEN, Barry Roal - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
CARLSON, Donald - Fine Line Designs Gallery
CARLSON, Krista - Plum Bottom Galleries
CARLTON, Rebecca - Juddville Clay Studio & Gallery
CARMEN, Vicky - Woodwalk Gallery
CARPENTER, Wendy - Chief Oshkosh Native American Gallery
CARTER, Keith - Clay on Steele Pottery
CASANOVA, Patrick - Idea Gallery
CASPER, Tony - Fine Line Designs Gallery
CHAMPEAU, Carol H - Hartmann Sign & Art Gallery
CHAUDOIR, Katrina - The Pearl of Door County,
CIESLA, Peter & Skye - Bazyli Studios Wearable & Textile Art
CLARK, Bridget - Idea Gallery
CLARK, Cathy Jean - Woodwalk Gallery
CLARK, Melissa - The Pearl of Door County
CLAUSEN, Dave - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
CLAUSEN, Pam - Robert Ray Gallery
CLAYTON, Deanna - D.C. Studios LLC, Edgewood Orchard Gallery
CLINE, Anna - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
COATY, Martha - Idea Gallery
COHN, Michael - Clay Bay Pottery
COLLINS, Dan - Woodwalk Gallery
CONARD, Tom - Robert Ray Gallery
CONNOLLY, Dennis - Algoma Atelier
COONRAD, Trish - Fine Line Designs Gallery
CORBY, Jean - Plum Bottom Galleries
COX, Joyce - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
CRAIN, Cathy & Carie - Plum Bottom Galleries
CRAIN, Curtis - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
CRANE, Jean - Fine Line Designs Gallery
CRIGLER, Liane - Plum Bottom Galleries
CRISP, Melissa & Jason - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
CROSS, Calsey - Idea Gallery
CROSS, Dan - Idea Gallery
CROSS, Diane - Idea Gallery
CUNNINGHAM, Becki - Off the Wheel Pottery
CZECHOWSKI, Alicia - Robert Ray Gallery
DAHLQUIST, David - Idea Gallery
DANE, Robert - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
DANGELO, Michele - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
DAS, Ratindra - Blue Dolphin House
DAUL, Audrey - BellaLuna Apothecary & Boutique
DAUL, Jade - BellaLuna Apothecary & Boutique
DAVENPORT, John - Woodwalk Gallery
DAVIDSON, Marjorie - Woodwalk Gallery
DAVIS, Bob - Margaret Lockwood Gallery
DAVIS, Nancy - Idea Gallery
DAVIS-BENAVIDES, Christopher - Idea Gallery
DE ARTEAGA, Bonnie - Idea Gallery
DE FONSECA, Aster - Woodwalk Gallery
DE LOGE, Bridget - Woodwalk Gallery
DE STEFANIS, Paula - Woodwalk Gallery
DEAN, James - Robert Ray Gallery
DEARDORFF, Linda - Plum Bottom Galleries
DEISS, Colleen - Off the Wheel Pottery
DEMERS, Jeanne - Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
DEMOLY, Marc - Two Bridges Gallery
DENEEN, Mary & Peter - Clay Bay Pottery
DHEIN, Bonnie - Woodwalk Gallery
DIETRICH, John - Ellison Bay Pottery
DIETRICH, Margaret - Ellison Bay Pottery
DIETRICH, Thomas - Ellison Bay Pottery
DIGGS, Dottie - Mill Road Gallery
DIMICK-REGO, Jeanne - Robert Ray Gallery
DIMITROVA, Mariyana - Turtle Ridge Gallery
DIMITRUK, Bryce - Plum Bottom Galleries
DOERR, Michael - Martinez Studio, Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
DOHERTY, Patricia - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
DOUGLAS, Lauren - Woodwalk Gallery
DRAPER, Jeremie - Plum Bottom Galleries
DuBOIS, Marie - Off the Wheel Pottery
DUMKE, Tom - Fine Line Designs Gallery
DUPONT, Jennifer - The Pearl of Door County
DURAN, Carmen - Woodwalk Gallery
DZIEWIOR, Mark - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
Eartha Tiles - Off the Wheel Pottery
EATON, Kathleen - Fine Line Designs Gallery
EBY, Loretta - Blue Dolphin House
EDWARDS, Valerie Dunning - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
EGAN, Anne - Edgewood Orchard Gallery, Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
EGGERT, Dale - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
EGGERT, Kathleen - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
EHART, Karen - Plum Bottom Galleries
EINERSON, Richard - Plum Bottom Galleries
EKHOLM, Judi - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
ELIAS, John - Blue Dolphin House
ELLIS, Kristin - Plum Bottom Galleries
EMERSON, Minnow - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
ENGBERG, Cathy - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
ENGEL, Terri Beck - Fine Line Designs Gallery
ENGLEBERT, Lexi - The Pearl of Door County
ENGLER, Nate - Woodwalk Gallery
EPPS, M Virginia - Woodwalk Gallery
ERICKSON, Kimberly - Blue Dolphin House
ESKEW, Sara - Blue Dolphin House
EVANS, Allison - Wild Nest Photography
EVANS, Sarka - Plum Bottom Galleries
EVANS, Stephanie - Fine Line Designs Gallery
FAECKE, James - Fine Line Designs Gallery
FAELLA, Jane - Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
FALKMAN, Susan - Idea Gallery
FARRELL, Patrick - Robert Ray Gallery
FEKETE, Alex - Idea Gallery
Felt So Good - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
FERRARO, Jane Foley - Fine Line Designs Gallery
FERRIER, Jeffrey - Fine Line Designs Gallery
FIEBER, Leonard & Martha - Fine Line Designs Gallery
FINN, Dakota - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
FISHER, Kate - Woodwalk Gallery
FLANDERS, Pam - Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
FOAT, Annette - Woodwalk Gallery
FORD, Stephanie - Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
FORERO, Sophia - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
FORREST, Doug - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
FORTUNA, Delores - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
FRAYSETH, Marcy - Idea Gallery
FRENCH, Annette - Robert Ray Gallery
FRICKE, Jason - TR Pottery
FRIESE, Tom - Idea Gallery
FRITSCHKA, Jean - Off the Wheel Pottery
FRITZ, Joyce - Robert Ray Gallery
FRYKMAN, David - Frykman Studio Gallery
FRYKMAN, Heather Harle - Frykman Studio Gallery
FRYKMAN, Lucas - Frykman Studio Gallery
GAMEZ de FRANCISCO, Carlos - Woodwalk Gallery
GANOUDIS, Olga - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
GARBER-PEARSON, Erin - Woodwalk Gallery
GARTNER & BLADE - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
GEARY, Joan - Idea Gallery
GEBAUER, Tony & Renee - TR Pottery
GEBERT, Annelies - TR Pottery
GEIGER, Josephine A - Plum Bottom Galleries
GELLERMAN, Kristine Martineau - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
GEORGE, Brent - Fine Line Designs Gallery
GERBER, Sandra - Blue Dolphin House
GERHARTZ, Steve - Fine Line Designs Gallery
GILBERT, Margaret - The Pearl of Door County
GILCHRIST, Lynn - Idea Gallery, Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
GILL, Vicky - Off the Wheel Pottery
GLISZYNSKI, Jamison - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
GODERSTAD, Paul - Robert Ray Gallery
GOECKE, David - Woodwalk Gallery
GOGGIO, Kristy - Fine Line Designs Gallery
GONZALEZ, Jodi Rose - Idea Gallery
GRABBER, Pamela - Plum Bottom Galleries
GRASSE, EVIE - Woodwalk Gallery
GRAY, Jola - Blue Dolphin House
GREBEL, Paula Swaydan - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
GREY, Laurel - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
GRIFFIN, Sheila - Woodwalk Gallery
GROENFELDT, Keli - The Pearl of Door County
GROENJES, David - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
GUILETTE, Julie - Woodwalk Gallery
GULDBERG, Annie - Plum Bottom Galleries
GUNDERMAN, Karen - Idea Gallery
GUZMAN, Gabriel - Angela Lensch Gallery
HAACK, Jodi - BellaLuna Apothecary & Boutique
HAAS, Steven - Edgewood Orchard Gallery, Margaret Lockwood Gallery, Robert Ray Gallery
HACKL, Kris - Woodwalk Gallery
HAGEN, Michael - Woodwalk Gallery
HAID, Melissa - Off the Wheel Pottery
HALE, Susan - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
HALL, Susan - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
HAMILTON, Pamela - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
HANEY, Cherie - Idea Gallery
HANSON, Kellie - Plum Bottom Galleries
HARGARTEN, Mark - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
HARPER, Michael - Woodwalk Gallery
HARRIS, Rain - Woodwalk Gallery
HARRIS, Scott - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
HARTLEY, Scott - Fine Line Designs Gallery
HARTMANN, Bonnie - Clay on Steele Pottery, Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
HATCH, Nathan - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
HEALY, Christina - The Pearl of Door County
HeartMoss - Off the Wheel Pottery
HEBEL, Holly - Off the Wheel Pottery
HECHT, Gina - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
HEDBLOM, Don & Frances - Plum Bottom Galleries
HEFTI, Gail - Plum Bottom Galleries
HEGLAND, Peder - Clay Bay Pottery
HEIMBACH, Dennis - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
HEINRICH, Angie - Plum Bottom Galleries
HELLER, Elizabeth - Plum Bottom Galleries
HELSCHER, Nan - Idea Gallery
HENDERSON, Doug & Barbara - Woodwalk Gallery
HENZ, Virginia - Mill Road Gallery
HERBST, Nicole - The Pearl of Door County
HERSHBERGER, Keith - Off the Wheel Pottery
HERTZ-SUMNICHT, Karen - SOMI, Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
HEUER, Curt - Idea Gallery
HEUER, Jeanne - Idea Gallery
HIERTA, Helen - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
HIGGINS, Daniel - Idea Gallery
HILL, Deb - BellaLuna Apothecary & Boutique
HOBERG, Susan - Idea Gallery
HOFFMANN, Susan - Fine Line Designs Gallery
HOFFMANN, Tracie - The Pearl of Door County
HOGAN, Grace - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
HOLMES, Elodie - Fine Line Designs Gallery
HOLMES, Stella - Plum Bottom Galleries
HOMSTAD, Carl - Clay Bay Pottery
HONN, Alan - Idea Gallery
Hooker Pottery - Off the Wheel Pottery
HORGAN, Debbe - Woodwalk Gallery
HOTCHKISS, Joel - Blue Dolphin House
HOUGH, Jennifer - Plum Bottom Galleries
HOVE, Norma - Artzy Studio
HUBBARD, Rozanne - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
HUDSON, Michael - Blue Dolphin House
HUNTER, Rick - Blue Dolphin House
HUSBY, Bob & Cheryl - Robert Ray Gallery
HUSS, Patt - Woodwalk Gallery
HYMES, David - Idea Gallery
IMBSWEILER, Regina - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
IMMERMAN, Steve - Fine Line Designs Gallery
Indikoi - Off the Wheel Pottery
INGWERSEN, James - Ingwersen Studio Gallery
IRELAND, Michael - Fine Line Designs Gallery
IVERSON, Jill - Robert Ray Gallery
JACOBSON, Stephanie - Woodwalk Gallery
JAMES, Sandy - TR Pottery
JANSSEN, Virginia - Robert Ray Gallery
JASZCZAK, Maggie - Woodwalk Gallery
JASZCZAK, Tom - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
JAUQUET, Bill - Robert Ray Gallery
JAUQUET, William - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
JEFFCOAT, Pamela - Plum Bottom Galleries
JENKINS, Debra Reid - Fine Line Designs Gallery
JENSEN, Brian - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
JOHANSEN, Josie - Plum Bottom Galleries
JOHNS, Emmett - Emmett Johns Gallery
JOHNSON, Jane - Artzy Studio
JOHNSON, Megan Woodard - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
JOHNSON, Molly - LadyBug Glass Studio & Gallery
JOHNSON, Tammy - BellaLuna Apothecary & Boutique
JOHNSTON, Beth - Fine Line Designs Gallery
JOLLEY, Richard - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
JONES, Darren - Fine Line Designs Gallery
JORGENSEN, Lori - BellaLuna Apothecary & Boutique
JORGENSON, Megan - Off the Wheel Pottery
JORGENSON, Steve - Frykman Studio Gallery
JORNDT, Jamie - Woodwalk Gallery
JOUBERT, Polly - Fine Line Designs Gallery
JUDY, Mike - Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
JUNG, Jennifer - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
KAFTAN, Joseph - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
Kaleidescope Pottery - Off the Wheel Pottery
KARCZ, Mike - Margaret Lockwood Gallery, Robert Ray Gallery
KASSELMAN, Arlee - Plum Bottom Galleries
KASTEN, Ani - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
KAUTZER, Keary - Plum Bottom Galleries
KEARNEY, Ann - Plum Bottom Galleries
KEEFE, Shelby - Fine Line Designs Gallery
KEELER, Eleanor - Woodwalk Gallery
KEISER, Sarah Jane - Plum Bottom Galleries
KELLY, ANNE - Woodwalk Gallery
KELMAN, Rose - Plum Bottom Galleries
KEMP, Martha - Plum Bottom Galleries
KENNEDY, Mat Barber - Fine Line Designs Gallery
KERR, Ausrine - Margaret Lockwood Gallery
KILSDONK, Darlene - Turtle Ridge Gallery
KING, Stacy - Fine Line Designs Gallery
KINKEAD, Rebecca - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
KIRKLAND, Joanne - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
KLEIN, Paul - Fine Line Designs Gallery
KLEMAN, Rose - Plum Bottom Galleries
KLISCH, May - Woodwalk Gallery
KLUG, Gretchen - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
KLUNDER, Tim - Robert Ray Gallery
KNAAK, Dale - Robert Ray Gallery
KNOPF-HAMMES, Sue - Idea Gallery
KOCHANOWSKI, Boleslaw - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
KOEHN, Jeff - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
KOENIG, Linda - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
KOLBERG, Rhonda - The Pearl of Door County
KOLINSKI, Mark - Clay on Steele Pottery, Idea Gallery, Robert Ray Gallery
KOLSTAD, Mel - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
KORBELAROVA, Zuzana - Plum Bottom Galleries
KORTH, Rebecca - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
KOSHALEK, Cynthia L - Artzy Studio
KOZMA, Brigitte - Algoma Atelier, Mill Road Gallery
KRALOVETZ, Dan & Mary Beth - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
KRATOCHWILL, Michael - Fine Line Designs Gallery
KREBSBACH, Joe - The Pearl of Door County
KROLCZYK, Molly - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
KRUEGER, Steve - Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
KRUSE, Joy - LadyBug Glass Studio & Gallery, Two Bridges Gallery
KUHLOW, Joey - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
KUHNS, Jeanne - Off the Wheel Pottery, Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
KVERN, Kathleen - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
KWASNY, David - Idea Gallery
LACEY, David - Fine Line Designs Gallery
LACOUETTE, Leonie - Blue Dolphin House
LAING, Catherine - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
LAMPI, Lenore - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
LANDERMAN, Kristine Marie - Clay Bay Pottery
LANGENECKER, Steve - Fine Line Designs Gallery
LANGLOIS, Flora - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
LARSON, Ken & Pat - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
LASEE, Mike - The Pearl of Door County
LAUENSTEIN, Fritz - Blue Dolphin House
Lauren HB Studio - Off the Wheel Pottery
LAZZERONI, Ed - Fine Line Designs Gallery
LEACH, Marilyn - Blue Dolphin House
LEDVINA, Vincent - Plum Bottom Galleries
LEE, Randy & Lisa - Plum Bottom Galleries
LEEPER, Christopher - Plum Bottom Galleries
LEE-ROSELAND, Claudette - Idea Gallery
LEHMKUHL, Jesse - The Pearl of Door County
LENSCH, Angela - Angela Lensch Gallery
LEPPLA, David & Melanie - Fine Line Designs Gallery
LEVENHAGEN, Ellen - Clay on Steele Pottery
LEVIN, Ed - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
LEVY, Barbara - Blue Dolphin House
LEWIS, Helen - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
LIND, Teresa - Idea Gallery
LINDEN, Tom - Woodwalk Gallery
LINNABARY, Cynthia - Woodwalk Gallery
LITTLETON/VOGEL, John/Kate - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
LITTMAN, Chelsea - Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
LOCKE, Patricia - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
LOCKWOOD, Margaret - Margaret Lockwood Gallery, Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
LOEKNSGARD, Wendy - Plum Bottom Galleries
LOEWER, Jim - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
LOGERQUIST, Kirsten - Turtle Ridge Gallery
LORD, Stephanie - Plum Bottom Galleries
LOTTEN, Charles & Daniel - Zabler Design Jewelers
LOWERY, Rebecca - Plum Bottom Galleries
LUBERGER, Angela Olson - Plum Bottom Galleries
LUECK, Brady - Fine Line Designs Gallery
LUEDTKE, Frank - Blue Dolphin House
LUNDAHL, Megan - The Pearl of Door County
LUNDAHL, Terry - The Pearl of Door County
LYON, John - LadyBug Glass Studio & Gallery
LYON, Kimberly - Algoma Atelier, LadyBug Glass Studio & Gallery, Robert Ray Gallery
MACEJKOVIC, Janet - Fine Line Designs Gallery
MAIN, Steven - Fine Line Designs Gallery
MALONEY, Deana Bada - Woodwalk Gallery
MALTMAN, Liz - Fine Line Designs Gallery
MANDLI, Alex - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
MANGER, Barbara - Idea Gallery
MANNING, Mara - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
MARANA, Alberta - Fine Line Designs Gallery
MARSHALL, Alex - Blue Dolphin House
MARTIN, Carly - Woodwalk Gallery
MARTIN, Susan - Blue Dolphin House
MARTINEZ, Sandra - Martinez Studio
MARTINEZ, Wence - Martinez Studio
MASON, Jay - Woodwalk Gallery
MAURAD, Moonan - Off the Wheel Pottery
MAURER, Nathan - Zabler Design Jewelers
McARDLE, Annie - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
McBRIDE, Kim - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
McCOY, Gail - Plum Bottom Galleries
McDONOUGH, Marcia - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
McGRATH, Maureen - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
McGUIRE, Lylah - BellaLuna Apothecary & Boutique
McHUGH, Stephan - Fine Line Designs Gallery
McNEIL, Diane - Ellison Bay Pottery
MEAUX, Rich - Clay Bay Pottery
MEDDAUGH, Laura - Fine Line Designs Gallery
MEHNERT, Pam - Woodwalk Gallery
MENDLA, Joseph - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
MENDLA, Mary - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
MESSENGER, Shawn - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
MEYER, Jesse - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
MEYER, Jim - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
MICHAUD, Michael - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
MICHAUD, Michael Vincent - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
MICHEL, Lori - Plum Bottom Galleries
MICKEVICIUS, Ray - Blue Dolphin House
MILLER, Catie - Woodwalk Gallery
MILLER, Gerhard C.F. - Miller Art Museum
MILLER, John S - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
MILLER, Lynne - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
MILLER, Rachelle - Woodwalk Gallery
MILLER-THOMPSON, Sharon - Plum Bottom Galleries
MILLONIG, Bill - Fine Line Designs Gallery
MILLS, Bridgette Guerzon - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
MITCHELL, Steve - Turtle Ridge Gallery
MOCADLO, Cheryl - Plum Bottom Galleries
MOHRBACKER, Deb - The Pearl of Door County
MONTGOMERY, Noah - Off the Wheel Pottery
MOORE, James G - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
MORAN-HANDZLIK, Bethann - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
MORGAN, David - Margaret Lockwood Gallery
MORGAN, Susan - Margaret Lockwood Gallery
MORIARTY, Marge - Woodwalk Gallery
MORTL, Deb - Fine Line Designs Gallery
MOTAWI, Nawal - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
MOTHES, Lee - Robert Ray Gallery
MURPHY, Pam - Fine Line Designs Gallery
MYNATT, Ron & Paul - Plum Bottom Galleries
NACHREINER, Tom - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
NATKIN, Andryea - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
NAYLOR, Andrea - Woodwalk Gallery
NELL, Angela - BellaLuna Apothecary & Boutique
NELSON, Janet - Woodwalk Gallery
NEWSTAT, Barry - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
NICKOLS, Marcia - Mill Road Gallery, The Pearl of Door County
NILSSON, Robert - Plum Bottom Galleries
NITSCH, Mike - Robert Ray Gallery
NOLAN, Erin - Plum Bottom Galleries
NYBERG, Tim - Off the Wheel Pottery
NYGARD, Bonnie - Plum Bottom Galleries
NYGARD, Kelly - Woodwalk Gallery
O’BRIEN, Connor - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
O’NEIL, Laurette - Turtle Ridge Gallery
ODOM, Kathie - Fine Line Designs Gallery
OLSEN, Dale - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
OLSON, Pat - Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl, Woodwalk Gallery
ORR, Rita - Blue Dolphin House
ORTHOBER, Gary - Fine Line Designs Gallery
ORTHOBER, Kollin - Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
OTTO, Kandy - Woodwalk Gallery
OUIMETTE, George - Clay on Steele Pottery
PACKARD, Gary - Idea Gallery
PALECEK, DK - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
PAPE, Sandra McCutcheon - Woodwalk Gallery
PARK, Bernie - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
PARKANSKY, Donna - The Pearl of Door County
PARUCH, Bonnie - Fine Line Designs Gallery
PATT, Richard - Fine Line Designs Gallery
PATTERSON, Faith - Woodwalk Gallery
PAULSEN-CHMIELEWSKI, Terra - Woodwalk Gallery
PEISER, Mark - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
PENET, Mary - Idea Gallery
PERRYMAN, Fred - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
PETERSON, Angela - Fine Line Designs Gallery
PFLUGHOEFT, Carol - Plum Bottom Galleries
PHILLIPS, Liz - Woodwalk Gallery
PIAZZA, Susan - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
PIEPER, Greg - Off the Wheel Pottery
PIERCE, Gail Gilson - Plum Bottom Galleries
PIRMAN, Brian - Idea Gallery
PISHGAHI, Reza - Idea Gallery
PITCOCK, Katie - The Pearl of Door County
PLACE, Sandra - Clay Bay Pottery
POEHLMANN, JoAnna - Robert Ray Gallery
POMPLUN, Georgene - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
POPELKA, Jeremy - Edgewood Orchard Gallery, Popelka Trenchard Studio, SOMI, Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
POSER, Claudia - Two Bridges Gallery
POZYCINSKI, Joseph - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
PRANGE, Nancy - Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
PRESCOTT, Margaret - Plum Bottom Galleries
PRESSLER, Michelle - Fine Line Designs Gallery
PRICE, Rachel - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
PRISTAS, Tracy Lynn - Fine Line Designs Gallery
PULLARA, Gail - Artzy Studio
QUEBE, Lisbeth - Plum Bottom Galleries
RAASH, Kathy - Robert Ray Gallery
RADL, Paula - Plum Bottom Galleries
RADTKE, Judith - Idea Gallery
RAINE, Patti - BellaLuna Apothecary & Boutique
RAMIREZ, Monica - Mona Lucy Gallery, Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
RAND, Barbara - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
RANLY, Doc - Ranly Maritime Gallery
RAY, Paul - Plum Bottom Galleries
REDWINE, Julia - Two Bridges Gallery
REGULA, Ingrid - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
REID, Bill - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
RESCH, Melissa - Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl, Two Bridges Gallery
RESTEMAYER, Ingrid - Two Bridges Gallery
RHODY, Vivian - Clay Bay Pottery
RICE, Susan - Idea Gallery
RICHARDSON, Sarah - Fine Line Designs Gallery
RIEMER, David - Angela Lensch Gallery
RIFKIN, Susan - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
RIPPEY, Michael - Woodwalk Gallery
RITCHEY, Gale - White Rose Healing Art Studio
RITTORNO, Donna - Woodwalk Gallery
RITTORNO, Mark - Woodwalk Gallery
ROBINSON, David - Plum Bottom Galleries
ROBISON, Patrick/Karen - Blue Dolphin House
ROCHELL, Josie - Off the Wheel Pottery
RODERICK, Lori - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
RODINE, Joshua - Fine Line Designs Gallery
ROEDER, Mark - Robert Ray Gallery
ROEDL, Emily - Idea Gallery
ROENNING, Kristi - Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
ROGERS, Dale - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
ROGERS, Stella - Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
ROJAS, Ram - Woodwalk Gallery
ROSENBAUM, Mark - Plum Bottom Galleries
ROSING, Katherine Steicken - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
RUHE, David - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
RUSCHMAN, Pamela - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
RUSH, Tommie Pratt - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
RUTHERFORD, Julie - Angela Lensch Gallery
SACHS, Sue - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
SAKO, Karen - Idea Gallery
SALM, Emily - The Pearl of Door County
SANCHEZ, Richard - Plum Bottom Galleries
SANKS, David - Blue Dolphin House
SANTINI, Michael - Idea Gallery
SAXER, Valerie - Woodwalk Gallery
SAYERS, John A - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
SCANDIN, Mary Jo - Blue Dolphin House
SCHABES, April - Off the Wheel Pottery
SCHAEL, Michael - Woodwalk Gallery
SCHALLA, Carol - Blue Dolphin House
SCHAPPE-YOUENS, Lori - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
SCHISSEL, Kelsey - Plum Bottom Galleries
SCHMITT, Sandra McKenzie - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
SCHNEIDER, John - Fine Line Designs Gallery
SCHNEIDER, Ken - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
SCHNEIDER, Olaf - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
SCHOENEMAN, Nancy - Artzy Studio
SCHUEPPERT, Mac - Fine Line Designs Gallery, Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
SCHUH, Annette - Blue Dolphin House
SCHULTZ, Josie - The Pearl of Door County
SCHULTZ, Paul & Lisa - Plum Bottom Galleries
SCHUSTER, Lynn - The Pearl of Door County
SCHWALLER, Renee - Fine Line Designs Gallery, Margaret Lockwood Gallery, Off the Wheel Pottery
SCOTT, Robinson - Idea Gallery
SCRATTISH, Sharon - Woodwalk Gallery
SEAGARD, Tom - Algoma Atelier, Mill Road Gallery
SEAR, David - Fine Line Designs Gallery
SECKLER, Frank - Blue Dolphin House
SEVOSS, Allan - Fine Line Designs Gallery
SHAFER, Marvin - Blue Dolphin House
SHAKAL, Barbara - Margaret Lockwood Gallery, Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
SHANNON, Kerri - Artzy Studio
SHAPIRO, Emilie - Fine Line Designs Gallery
SHAW, Julie - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
SHEARD, Linda - Lily Bay Pottery, Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
SHERER, Ginnie - Robert Ray Gallery
SHIBATA, Juilane - Woodwalk Gallery
SHIPPERLEY, George - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
SHOEMAKER, Kate - Woodwalk Gallery
SIBILSKY, Bren - Algoma Atelier, Mill Road Gallery, Robert Ray Gallery
SIBILSKY, Randal - Algoma Atelier
SIEBER, Roberta - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
SILVERMAN, Corey - Plum Bottom Galleries
SIMONSEN, Richard - Idea Gallery
SINGSAAS, Ann - Fine Line Designs Gallery
SISULAK, Mary Ellen - Edgewood Orchard Gallery, Turtle Ridge Gallery
SIVEK, Marketa - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
SKAAGS, Thomas - Fine Line Designs Gallery
SKUPNIEWITZ, Thomas - Edgewood Orchard Gallery, Sleeping Dragon Studios, Artzy Studio
SLIVKA, Diane - Clay on Steele Pottery
SMALE, Kendra - Woodwalk Gallery
SMALL-RUPP, Stacey - Plum Bottom Galleries
SMITH, Colette Odya - Fine Line Designs Gallery
SMITH, Dale H - Woodwalk Gallery
SMITH, Lesley Bruce - Turtle Ridge Gallery
SMITH, Michael - Off the Wheel Pottery
SMITH, Patty Carmody - Fine Line Designs Gallery
SMITH, Tom - Plum Bottom Galleries
SOMERS, Frederick D. - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
SOSNOWSKI, Carissa - Woodwalk Gallery
SOUTH-OLSON, April - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
SPICE, Trisha - Plum Bottom Galleries
SQUIRES, Rick - Woodwalk Gallery
STAHR, Rebecca - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
STANFORD, James - Plum Bottom Galleries
STANGER, Arlene - Woodwalk Gallery
STANGER, Steve - Woodwalk Gallery
STAROSKA, Tony - Juddville Clay Studio & Gallery
STEFFEN, Diane - Algoma Atelier
STELTER, Nicholas - Fine Line Designs Gallery, Stelter Glass LLC
STELTER, Sharon - Blue Dolphin House
STEVENS, Rick - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
STICKS FURNITURE - Fine Line Designs Gallery
STRNAD, Janelle - Robert Ray Gallery
STROH-LARSON, Deb - Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
STULL-KINSLEY, Deb - Plum Bottom Galleries
SULLIVAN, Brian - Woodwalk Gallery
SUYS, William A - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
SWANSON, Linda - BellaLuna Apothecary & Boutique
SWISHER, Michael-Che - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
TAYLOR, Richard - Idea Gallery
TAYLOR, Seth - Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
TESSLER, Shama Kipfer - Woodwalk Gallery
TESSORO - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
THEAKER, Robert - Robert Ray Gallery
THOAS, Sherri - Fine Line Designs Gallery
THOMM, Elise - Woodwalk Gallery
THORESON, Larry & Judy - Gills Rock Stoneware
TITTL, Tom - Robert Ray Gallery
TITUS, Austin - Fine Line Designs Gallery
TOBIN, Carrie - Zabler Design Jewelers
TOWNSEND, Rod - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
TRENCHARD, Stephanie - Edgewood Orchard Gallery, Popelka Trenchard Studio, SOMI, Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
TRY, Sarah - Angela Lensch Gallery
TUMPACH, Cynthia - Fine Line Designs Gallery, Robert Ray Gallery
UGONE, Janna - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
UTTECH, Tom - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
VAN BOXTEL, Roger - Woodwalk Gallery
VANDEN HOUTEN, Dale - Clay on Steele Pottery, Two Bridges Gallery
VANDENBERG, Katie - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
VANHENDRICK, Noelle - Plum Bottom Galleries
VAUGHN, Kathryn - Algoma Atelier
VAVRA, Kerry - Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
VELDE, Chris Vander - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
VETRI, Bari - Plum Bottom Galleries
VNUK, Kinga - Plum Bottom Galleries
VONDERBERG, Kenneth - Woodwalk Gallery
VONDERBERG, Ruth - Woodwalk Gallery
VOSS, Julie - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
VOSS, Todd - Fine Line Designs Gallery
WALLACE, Lenox - Blue Dolphin House
WALTON, Susan and Don - Off the Wheel Pottery
WALTON, Tal - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
WAMHOFF, Clarey - Plum Bottom Galleries
WARSTLER, Pasqua - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
WASIE, Sierrah - The Pearl of Door County
WATKINS, Beverly - LadyBug Glass Studio & Gallery
WEBER, Carley Rae - The Pearl of Door County
WEBERPAL, Valerie - Plum Bottom Galleries
WEDLAND, Paula - Mona Lucy Gallery
WEISER, Donna - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
WEISS, Tyson - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
WELCH, Linda - Plum Bottom Galleries
WELLSANDT, Mary Melinda - Fine Line Designs Gallery
WENBERG, Brenda - Blue Dolphin House
WESSELS, Stephanie - Woodwalk Gallery
WHEELER, Kathie - Fine Line Designs Gallery
WHITAKER, Lyman - Fine Line Designs Gallery
WHITE, Mary - Plum Bottom Galleries
WHITEHOUSE, C.T. - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
WHITFIELD, Werner - Fine Line Designs Gallery
WHITNEY, John - Idea Gallery
WIEDEMEIER, Norm - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
WIER, Lori - The Pearl of Door County
WIESKE, Dan - Woodwalk Gallery
WILDE, John - Robert Ray Gallery
WILDE, Jonathan - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
WILDER, Keven K - Wilder Art
WILLIAMS, Betts - Blue Heron Glass Etching
WILLIAMS, Rob - Rob Williams Studio Gallery
WILLIAMS, Shirley Rob - Williams Studio Gallery
WILSON, Hayden - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
WINTER, Martha - Clay Bay Pottery
WINTER, Michelle Zjala - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
WISCONSIN ART Permanent Collection - Miller Art Museum
WITTRIG, Rick - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
WOHL, Edward - Blue Dolphin House
WOLFE, Cynthia - Idea Gallery
WOLFE, Rusty - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
WOLST, Archelle (Buttons) - Sturgeon Bay Art Crawl
WONG, Hannah - Plum Bottom Galleries
WOODFORD, Jill - Woodwalk Gallery
WORMAN, Elise - Robert Ray Gallery
WU, Leslie - Edgewood Orchard Gallery
WYSOCKI, Stephen - Plum Bottom Galleries
YANKOWSKI, Steve - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
YOON, Rina - Idea Gallery
YOUELL, Sylvia - Clay Bay Pottery
ZABLER, Russ - Zabler Design Jewelers
ZDROIK, Ron - Cappaert Contemporary Gallery
ZEITLER, Levi - BellaLuna Apothecary & Boutique
ZIPPERER, Barbara - BellaLuna Apothecary & Boutique
ZJALA-WINTER, Michelle - Robert Ray Gallery
ZONDERVAN, John & Heather - Blue Dolphin House
ZUKAUSKIENE, Asta - Turtle Ridge Gallery